Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Suburban Boston police department starts YouTube show to catch crooks

In early July, we reported that the Hennipen County Sheriff's office in Minnesota was posting clips of "Hennepin County's Most Wanted" onto YouTube, in an effort to get the names and faces of the area's top criminals broadcast far and wide. The suburban Boston police department of Billerica, MA, has took a page out of that playbook with their made-for-YouTube program on unsolved homicides.

Hosted by a local volunteer named Cosmo Cavicchio and starring Detective Bill West, the most recent episode looks for new information surrounding a still-unsolved 2003 homicide of Santo Milicio Mejia, a Dominican immigrant who was found dead near commuter rail tracks in Billerica, MA, in what police suspect was a drug-related murder.

Detective West told the Boston Globe that [YouTube], "will give us the ability to reach many more viewers and witnesses. We urge people to come forward to help us give closure to this [victim's] family."

Cosmo and team have posted more episodes Billerica Police Department's YouTube channel, including one on burglaries, sex offenders, and drug busts.


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