Sunday, June 21, 2009

Capturing a Home Invasion on Video

There are multiple copies of this video on YouTube right now, probably because it's pretty incredible footage. The person who shot this video is hiding above a garage where two men are in the process of being arrested by the Basij, in what is supposedly a home invasion. The cameraman is whispering as he crouches behind a beam and points his camera down through a crack to capture the scene below. In the background, you hear guns being fired and people screaming as the men are lead away by the Basij.


Anonymous said...

you are absolutely right. As an american, Im embarrassed at our leadership this week...I pray for the brave young people in iran who are laying down their lives to try to be free, while obama watches and does nothing. At least european leaders are brave enough to speak their minds, and lend their supposrt to the iranian people in their struggle. Some of us americans are standing with you brothers and sisiters and praying for your safety and your success

Anonymous said...

the police helmets are similar of darth vader star wars..

Gerardo said...
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Gerardo said...

During the 70's and 80's the military dictatorships in south america did this sort of thing encouraged and financed by the USA, then it was in the name of anticomunism, this is in the name of Ala, same shit different smell.

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